
We are a gathering of christian communities formed in 1993, we represent the neo protestant line of the pentecostal charismatic movement. In our congregation is preached the conversion to Jesus Christ, rebirth through baptism by Water and Holy Spirit – we consider these the basics of any believer’s life – at the same time we give free range of action to the gifts given by the Holy Spirit. We name ourselves Full Gospel Congregation because we would like to preach with equal stress every truth expressed by God and live it in our personal and social lives.

The first congregation was formed and started in Odorheiu Secuiesc, later were formed congregations in Targu Secuiesc and Vlahita too.

Our communities don’t belong to any traditional denomination, they function like separate local congregations with local leadership. We would like to make connections with other christian communities where the spiritual awakening and the renewal is the heart task of the christians.

From our point of view, to make possible, following God’s will, a bigger spiritual awakening in our nation, takes unity, common prayer mediation from the christians with living faith.

Our goal

– To preach the gospel, about Jesus Christ to everybody, to help those in need, firstly in a spiritual way, praying for the sick ones and another problems.

– The planting and building of local congregations, exercising the christian communion, service towards each other to fulfill the spiritual and physical needs.